It Finally Begins!

March 18th 2010

Tonight the Rock and Worship Road Show will kick off in Indianapolis-it finally begins!  7 bands, 6 weeks, 25 shows.  Last Year the Roadshow sold out multiple shows, had over 170,000 attend, 75,000 people watch online, and over 3,000 children were sponsored through Compassion International!  So this year the Road Show is likely to be even bigger!!  All of us who have been looking forward to this since the tour ended last year are excited and prayerful for tonight’s kick off.  Don’t miss it!  I plan on being there in person for 3 shows, as may have already read a few days ago, and I plan on being there online for most of the remaining shows.  So I will see you there!

If you follow me on twitter, you already know about the insane road trip I have coming up in April!  I am going on a road trip to attend the Rock and Worship Road Show!!  I have started to call this the “Road Show Road Trip”.  This will include 3 show in 4 days with my best friend!  We have been friends since 7th grade,  just over 27 years, so if you do the math you can probably figure out how old we are within a year.

Well this Road Show Road Trip is not that simple to pull off, as I do not drive due to my medical issues, so my dear and loving husband will be doing a bit of traveling to make this happen!  When we begin talking about which on one of the Rock and Worship Road Shows I might go to, we started to joke around about elaborate plans to get me to one.  You see, the closest one to our home is over 300 miles away.  Last year I was driving, and drove the 612 mile round trip to see the nearest show Live and In Person!  Well, that won’t be happening this year, so he is driving my son and I over 600 miles to Southern California, leaving us there with our car for my best friend to drive, and flying home to work.  Then, we will attend the Long Beach and Ontario shows, drive to Las Vegas for the show there, and my husband will fly to Vegas to drive my son and I home!  So yes–this is quite the road trip.  The Roadshow bands and crew will have one more show in the middle of that–as we are not going to the Phoenix show and they of course will be.

After all that joking around about how to get me to one of the Rock and Worship Road Show shows, my husband managed to make it possible for me attend 3 of them.  In the end of all of it I can imagine there will be more then a few people who will think I am a little crazy, not that a few people don’t already think that.  But who cares, I am going to scream loud and pray hard all three nights, and if that makes me crazy then I’ll accept that.

In The Gap

March 12th 2010

For those of you who read my blog regularly, you might recall that back in December I wrote about signing up for my medicare part D coverage.  How I would be, for the first time, Approaching The Gap.  Well, I’ve done it, I’ve reached the gap!  Believe it or not I have already managed to reach the coverage gap for medicare part D by just the 3rd month of the year.  Not a shock to me at all, as I knew I would reach it this quickly.  I also know that the next two months I will be paying not a small amount for my medications because I will be fully in the gap for 2 months.

I am glad however this is the only gap I will be in!  For instance, I don’t shop at The Gap.  I also don’t like rock climbing, so there is little chance you will find me in a gap between two rocks.  Since I had braces as a teenager there are no gaps between my teeth.  Most importantly, I am no longer trapped in the gap that existed between myself  and God because I accepted the coverage Christ offered me on the cross to cover the gap.  So the next 2 months I will pay for my medications in the gap, while remaining thankful that Christ paid my penalty so that there would no longer be a gap between me and God.

Last night someone I consider a friend was told their mother was taken to the hospital.  This morning she is on her way to be with her.  I am asking all of you to pray.  I believe prayer is powerful.  God delights in working through the prayers of His people, He delights in hearing our voices, in listening to our needs, and in answering them when they are in His will.  God desires to work through His people and their prayers to accomplish His work.  When we pray we are going to the feet of the Lord, the feet of the one who Loved us so much He gave it all, why would He not give us even the smallest thing.  So I am asking you to pray, pray for Shellie’s mom.  Pray that God’s hand will move on her behalf, that God will answer His promises and provide and over abundance of peace, comfort and strength for Shellie.  That He would be abundantly and obviously present.

When we pray we show God that we have faith, because we wouldn’t ask if we didn’t believe He would answer.  God delights in hearing us because it proves to Him we believe Him.  If you believe God, pray with me, because I know prayers are powerful.


God’s Hand Moved

March 10th 2010

Today I read on Addison Road’s website that they have received a huge outpouring of support from the body of Christ.  That all of their needs have been met following the RV fire that happened on March 6th.  It amazes me each time I see how the body of Christ responds to the needs of those in it, how those needs are met, and how those who receive the help are always amazed by what is poured out on them.

God’s hand moved.  He moved his hand in the body of Christ so that the members in it would fill the need of the one who had the need.  When the need arose, there were those in the body who were obedient when God called upon them to act.  Those who bore the burden along side the ones in need answered with a “yes Lord” when God called upon them to act.  God ensures that the needs in the body are met by moving those who meet them.  In doing so God is acting on behalf of the one who has the need.  If you are the one with the need, that means He is acting on your behalf when your need is met by the body of believers. Yeah-that’s the way it works.  There is a need, God moves to ensure it is filled, the body answers God, the need gets filled.

Wow. To think that God would act on my behalf to move the body of believers to fill a need I would have!  So, if you have ever had a need filled by the body of believers, it is because God has moved to ensure your need was met.  He considers your need important enough to act upon it to ensure it gets filled.  He considers you important enough to ensure your needs get filled.  Wow, how important does that make you feel?  God considers you important enough to act upon your needs.  Humbled-I feel humbled that God would think to move on my behalf, since after all, He is choosing to do so out of Love.

It is that same Love he acted out of when He met our most desperate need, forgiveness.  Sending Christ, who died to suffer for us, and who rose again to defeat death so we would have life.  Meeting a need, that is what God does, meets our needs.  Even when we didn’t know it, He met them.

Today’s post is dedicated to the band Addison Road, who is currently out on tour with Sanctus Real.  They are being obedient to what God has asked of them.  Just today, March 6, 2010, they faced a huge obstacle while being obedient.  The RV and trailer they use while out on tour caught on fire, destroying some of their gear, all their merchandise, and the personal belongings of Jenny Ryan and baby Anniston.  What amazes me is the perseverance of this group.  This is not the first time they have faced on road obstacles, yet they continue to go out on the road facing obstacles in obedience to God. (Out of Gas, Interesting Night)

How many of us continue to be obedient when we face obstacles over and over again?  Do we give up when we face the obstacles, or do we persevere in the task God has set out before us?  My son is currently sitting in front of me telling me a story about the two Bioncles he has built,  He is telling me that if they were to give up after being attacked just once, they would just be allowing the enemy to win.  He said that we have to do the same thing when Satan does that to us, we can’t give up or we allow him to win.  Interesting he is telling me this story right now, just as I write this.

Addison Road has refused to allow the obstacles to stop them from being obedient to the task God has asked them to do.  They are facing the obstacles to obedience with the perseverance necessary to complete the task.  By doing that, they are refusing to allow the enemy to win.  Will we do the same in our tasks?

Pouring Out On Us All

February 27th 2010

Our Lord’s compassion is never ceasing, and His Love never failing. For this we ought to be grateful, for we each desperately need both! In moments when we see the suffering of others, what we ought to do is fall on our knees because we know that the same compassion and love that God pours out in those moments of desperate need, is the exact compassion and love He pours out on those who fall before HimIt is poured out in forgiveness.

Today another major quake struck, this time in Chili.  We are once again reminded that we are not able to control the world we live in.  That it is filled with all sorts of things that cause people to suffer, with no warning at all.  That the world is, at best, a chaotic place to live.  In all of the chaos, already planned tonight was Compassion International’s benefit concert for Haiti, just over a month after the Haiti quake, and what turns out to be the night of the Chili quake.  Compassion, exactly what God exhibits to us.

More then exhibit actually, but pours out.  Right now, in the moment when we see others suffering, we need to remember that each day God is pouring out on us all a compassion so rich with grace, a compassion so rich with love, a compassion so rich with mercy to each who have fallen on our knees before Him and said to Him “I deserve no less then to suffer for my sin, but forgive me! Thank you for sending Christ, thank you Christ for having so much compassion for me that you died-that you suffered for me.”  Compassion-so much of it poured out on us all that when we see God exhibit His compassion on others we ought to want to cry out to Him in thanksgiving and praise for giving any of the same for us.

Each time God shows compassion in any form on mankind, I cannot help but be reminded of the fact that it is that compassion poured out upon me that allows me to call Him my Lord.  That allows me to call myself forgiven.  Can you call Him that, can you call yourself that?  If not, now, right now, He has that compassion pouring out to you.  You need only believe He will forgive you, ask Him for forgiveness, thanking Christ for suffering in your place, and thanking Him for the compassion He is pouring out.

Falling, Falling, Falling.  I’ve been watching the Olympics the last few days, and that describes a lot of what I have been seeing.  First the snow boarders, falling some 22 feet to the bottom of the half pipe. Then figure skaters, who for some reason were having trouble staying up on two thin blades atop a sheet of ice.  Then a few skiers held to the same fate, discovering that skis like pointing a certain direction-together.  And then, lastly, this morning, a ski jumper who manged not to land completely upright, but though they had fallen, manged to get back up again.

A lot of falling down in just a few days.  For all of those who had fallen, there were many who had not, who had triumphed over the challenge and for each challenge one was awarded the best prize-Gold.  As usual, with many things, it made me think.  Wow, that was a lot of falling down for nothing.  All those athletes who had prepared, who trained, and who in the end fell and didn’t win a prize.  Yikes.  Everyone always asks them “what did you think after you fell”.  I wonder-what were they thinking in those moments when they were in the midst of falling and they could do nothing to stop it.  When they were powerless to stop the forces of gravity and they knew all that training would not get them the prize.

I wonder what we think when we are falling, not when we have completely fallen, but when we are being trapped, in the process of the falling.  Do we ever think to ourselves “I am running a race worthy of my Lord, to win a prize greater then even gold, and I am powerless to stop it”.  For it is true we are in a race, and the prize is worth more then even gold, but it is not true that we are powerless to stop it.  We are given more then we need to stop even the most powerful schemes the enemy might attack us with.  We are given the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, which we can use to stop ourselves in the midst of any fall.  It isn’t gravity pulling us down!  If we ever think when we are falling that we simply can’t do anything about it, we are wrong.

What happens when we don’t stop it, and we do fall?  Then what, are we without a prize?  Like the Olympic athlete, are we left out even though we have trained, we have started the race, and we have run?  No-for we will get up again.  The Lord has promised that He will lift up all those who fall! “The LORD upholds all those who fall, and lifts up all who are bowed down.” Psalm 145:14 Did you see the one requirement on our part–to be bowed down.  We must bow down to Him and He will forgive us, lifting us up. We will once again be running, running, running, forgiven.

Falling is not unstoppable, and having fallen does not cause us to lose our prize.  God’s word prevents falling from becoming gravity, and when we do fall, bowing down gets us back up and running again, forgiven.  The prize is ours, its just a matter of what position you are in when you receive it, me I want to be running when I receive it.  So I will keep using God’s word as my sword, and continue to bow down when I do fall, relying on the Lord to lift me up.

Promises Fulfilled

February 12th 2010

Before anyone makes any “musical like comments” I don’t write music =)  I don’t read music, and I don’t even play an instrument.  I’m learning to play the drums and years ago I use to play the guitar.  I woke up this morning needing to write this, so I did, now I am sharing it with you.  I know you can’t hear it the way it is in my head, so do your best =)   Here is my first ever lyrical arrangement (and probably what will be my only one ever since I don’t write songs):

Promises fulfilled:

He said that He’d be there, without ever leaving

No matter the circumstance, whatever you needed

He promised He’d carry you, as you walked through the trial

Each day to be your strength, when you feel depleted

Promises fulfilled, over and over

He proved it again, that He’d be by your side

and carry you through, every single fire

Promises fulfilled, again and again

He said that He’d be there, without ever leaving

He’ll prove it again, He’ll prove it again

He told you he’d give you peace, when you are overwhelmed

Where the road leads you, that He’ll stand by your side

He promised too comfort you, in every moment of pain

Each day that He’ll shelter you, from what this world brings

Promises fulfilled, over and over

He proved it again, that He’d be by your side

and carry you through, every single fire

Promises fulfilled, again and again

He said that He’d be there, without ever leaving

He’ll prove it again, He’ll prove it again

Now He’s promised you better things, then you can imagine

The road does not end here, it continues on

His promise to be with you, goes on forever

He promised to take you, to be by His side

Where you’ll worship forever, the one who has made you

Promises fulfilled, over and over

He proved it again, that He’d be by your side

and carry you through, every single fire

Promises fulfilled, over and over

He filled every one, and He’ll do it again

Promises fulfilled, to the final one

to the final one

I was inspired to write this because of something in my woman’s bible study homework this past week.  We are doing Beth Moore’s Daniel, and so far it has been a very inspiring  journey.  I shared a small part of this with the women last night, and am now sharing it here.

I will start by quoting, in part, what Beth had to say in our books in one of our daily studies.  She wrote “God has a plan and purpose for His world. …. the creator who is actively involved in moving His creation to a goal.  History is not a cynical process of endless repetition; history is being moved toward the predetermined end.”  Just one paragraph later she goes on to say “God’s providence is intentional and purposeful. ….thankfully, He is pleased to involve us in His process.”

Intentional, purposeful, towards a specific end, and He is using us in it!  What an amazing thought!  He is using us in a plan that He has already laid out and determined, and even more then that we know what that glorious end is, the return of our Lord.  So here is a part of this that we often miss, the Lord knows every small detail that needs doing to get to that end, and He is able to do all of them on His own, yet He involves us in the process by His choice!  He doesn’t have to, He chooses to.

What is significant about that?  If He has asked us to do any task as history moves towards that end, then that task must be significant!  He has determined it is because He knows it needs doing.  All to often we become discouraged in our ministry, in our service, because we feel it is insignificant, or we let others make us feel it is insignificant.  Yet if the Lord has decided it is necessary to move history to the ultimate end of Christ returning for His church, it is as significant as any other part of the plan.  The very fact that He has asked you to be included in that plan by doing any part of it ought to be enough to spurn you on toward completing it.  Never allow anyone, including the enemy, to make you feel like you are insignificant in the Lord’s plan.

On the flip side, since each part of God’s plan is significant, and every detail must be complete, then no part is more significant then another.  The Lord has not appointed any more significance to one over another, only more responsibility which comes with more accountability.  The outcome of this means that you ought never allow yourself to make another feel insignificant in the Lord’s plan, because you make yourself out to be more important.  For if they do not complete what the Lord has asked of them, then the Lord must find another to do that.  If you have been given more responsibility then you must be careful not to place yourself as more important then another, because you might find that the accountability that comes with your position finds your responsibility removed from you.

We must all be thankful to the Lord for even being willing to include us in His plan!  Whatever He asks us to do we ought to do it with a thankful and diligent heart, knowing that the Lord did not have to ask it of us.  Remembering that He did so because He desires for us to be a part of what He is doing not because He needs us.  We must remember that our part in God’s plan is moving history towards the most amazing and glorious moment in history, and also encourage others as they do their part, so that God will be glorified in the doing of all of it.  For there is nothing insignificant that the Lord can ask us to do, and there is nothing more significant we can do then what the Lord asks of us.

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