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For those of you who read my blog regularly, you might recall that back in December I wrote about signing up for my medicare part D coverage. How I would be, for the first time, Approaching The Gap. Well, I’ve done it, I’ve reached the gap! Believe it or not I have already managed to reach the coverage gap for medicare part D by just the 3rd month of the year. Not a shock to me at all, as I knew I would reach it this quickly. I also know that the next two months I will be paying not a small amount for my medications because I will be fully in the gap for 2 months.
I am glad however this is the only gap I will be in! For instance, I don’t shop at The Gap. I also don’t like rock climbing, so there is little chance you will find me in a gap between two rocks. Since I had braces as a teenager there are no gaps between my teeth. Most importantly, I am no longer trapped in the gap that existed between myself and God because I accepted the coverage Christ offered me on the cross to cover the gap. So the next 2 months I will pay for my medications in the gap, while remaining thankful that Christ paid my penalty so that there would no longer be a gap between me and God.