Earlier today I twittered about how this week was the first time since my surgery nearly 16 months ago that I made dinner 6 nights in a row.  If you don’t know what surgery I’m talking about you’ll have to read my medical journey.  I actually got thinking about it, and it turns out this is the first time in much longer that I have made dinner 6 consecutive days.  How do I know that?  I only need to think back to what my life was like before my surgery.

It took some actual thinking about it, because I don’t spend a lot of time these days thinking about what my life was like during those years that I was so incapacitated.  Yes the word incapacitated really does describe my existence during that time.  That is why I know I wasn’t making dinner 6 night in a  row.  There were days that if I made dinner I was overjoyed that I was able to do something I get joy out of-cooking.  Then there were times that I cooked because we needed to eat, and I didn’t get any joy out of it, I did it out of necessity.  Then there were many days when my husband came home and words similar to “dinner is up to you” came out of my mouth, or he simply discovered that on his own.

Now when I cook I am now again getting joy out of it, every time.  Why?  Because even on those days that I don’t feel so good, those days that aren’t going so well, I am thankful that I able to do something that I get joy out of.  Now those days still happen that my husband comes home and I say “dinner is up to you”, and my husband never complains.  Why? You would have to ask him how He has been able to persevere through this standing by me without complaint.  However, I do know that this is the first week I have made dinner 6 consecutive days in nearly 3 years.


1 Comment

  1. Congratulations! I’m so happy that you are able to do things that bring you joy. You know I’m not one that gets any joy out of cooking, but I do it out of necessity. You are very blessed to have a husband that’s stood by you through this journey of yours. My husband has always been open about how he can’t deal with things like that. Even my recent surgery. We were in a couples class at church years ago, and we were discussing a story about a man who quit his job and made major life changes to be able to stay home and care for his sick wife. My husband very honestly said he could never do that, and he’d put me in a home of some sort. Ouch! I just always pray we never have to go through anything like that, or that he’s changed over the years. I will say he’s been a trooper through my recovery from my surgery. I can tell though, that he is about at the end of his rope too. That’s why I’m trying to do more.

    Comment by Lisa Mongold — July 25, 2009 @ 8:12 pm

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