Last Week’s Cost

July 20th 2009

All last week I was gone from home again-this time to help with VBS/missions week at church.  Bryan and I stayed with a friend from church (thank you Licia!)  Mike stayed home because he had to work of course.  The week was full of all kinds of crazy things.

The kids had VBS to attend, as well as a very fun and exciting carnival to go to thanks to the Lord doing something amazing!  A team of 30 people from a church in Oklahoma came to help us put on a big carnival as an outreach ministry to the community of Tooele.  I didn’t get all of the details, but I did hear that there were hundreds of children that attended each day, and one of the youth said that the youth nights were great.

The week was very stressful.   I was on my feet too much, I stayed up too late, I got overwhelmed, I was hurting by the end of the week.  One night I ended up having a seizure in the middle of the night, and I ended up having another one during church Sunday morning.  However-the week was well worth the cost.  Why?  Because of why I was hurting, why I was tired, and why I ended up having those seizures.  It was because I had made a choice to do what the Lord asked me to do.  I knew being out of my environment for a week would cause me stress.  I knew being on my feet a lot would make me hurt.  I knew what the cost might be.  However I also know that if that sacrifice meant one child, one youth or one adult heard the message then it is well worth that cost.  Why?  Because the cost to them of not believing the message is much greater.

That message, that God in His amazing love for us, and with a grace we cannot comprehend, sent His son Jesus Christ, and that Christ died on the cross bearing the punishment for our sin.  That He defeated death and rose again so that we would be able to spend eternity with Him.  Not believing that has a great cost, and makes last week’s cost seem insignificant, especially compared to what that cost Christ.

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