A Body To Belong To

February 10th 2009

When we make a decision to leave one place  in life, and go to another, we sometimes do so not knowing what is coming next.  When we make the decision that it is time to leave a body of believers, a church, we have to trust God.  God knows what He is doing. Just a few weeks ago my husband and I made the hard decision that we had to leave the church we were in for several reasons.  It took only 1 week, one worship service, to find a church we thought God was telling us we belonged in.  We have now gone there each week since, and we are now clear it that.  It is amazing to me, though not surprising.  I believe that God does not close any door without clearly opening another.  A place where Gods word is taught clearly, and where Gods people are loving, supportive, and affirming to one another.  A place where serving God is important, and where you can tell Christ is the center of what is happening.  For believers it is important to have a body we gather and worship with, a body of believers we serve with, and a body we belong to for support through prayer and encouragement.  We have found that place to belong.



  1. And you make it an all-day event, since you drive 100 miles one way. Now that was a huge step of faith. Our strength comes from taking those steps and trusting God’s direction. Does it always “feel” right? No. But, I think that is part of the process. Listening for direction for that next right step. It’s so easy to make split-second decisions without stopping to listen. That’s the American way! I am thankful that I have a God who listens back.

    Comment by Shellie — February 11, 2009 @ 8:31 am

  2. You know the saying, “A church alive is worth the drive”!

    Comment by Pokinatcha — February 13, 2009 @ 3:24 am

  3. I so want to find that again. I used to have this in our current church. I’m not sure if I’ve changed or they have. I think a bit of both. All I know is that it has not been a good “fit” for almost two years now, and the fact that I also teach at the school under this ministry has at times made things so hard. My husband is not ready to leave, so I stay. So hard sometimes!

    Comment by Lisa (SunnySide) — April 7, 2009 @ 4:14 pm

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