Be Useful

May 22nd 2010

Yesterday I shared a conversation I had with my son about how we are always useful.  How we are useful because God made, us for a purpose, and one of those purposes is to love others.  That even if we don’t know what we are to be doing, loving others is something we can be doing all of the time.

Today I want to challenge you.  One of my favorite bands, Mercy Me, has a new album out called The Generous Mr. Lovewell.  It is all about this very thing.  How we are to be loving others always.  How love is something we can, and should be sharing.  I want to challenge you to become part of the Lovewell movement if you are not yet part of it.  Now, you may be one of those people who are listening to that CD, you may know the story of Mr. Lovewell, but have you acted on it yet?  Maybe you don’t know anything about it, in that case go read about it on the Mr. Lovewell website and find out what it is all about.

Doing something because of love is what makes us most useful to God.  He has never asked us to stop loving when we don’t know what to do next, when we don’t know where He might have us go next, or how He might have us do something.  Loving is something we are to be doing always.  My challenge for all of us is to find a way to love a neighbor, friend, co-worker, or someone at church this week in a way they don’t expect.  Do something that shows them love, for God has told us they will know us by our love.  Are you loving well?  Being useful means we do what God intends us to do.  God intends us to love.  Be useful this week, go love someone.


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