For some of you the idea of driving 306 miles to see a concert might seem insane.  For some of you, you have been there, done that, and done it again!  Last night I took my 8 year old son to the Rock and Worship Road Show.  It was well worth the 306 mile drive, and the 306 miles we will drive home today.


Why?  In part because seeing the 5 bands live was amazing.  But also because 13,000 people packed into the arena who came out to worship our Lord and Savior, who were there because of Him, proved it with thier voices!  When the Lord gave us the most amazing grace and mercy by giving us the ability to come to His feet through the blood of Christ how can we not worship?  The 13,000 people that were there last night showed with their voices that they knew that Christ had broken their chains and they were there to offer up their hearts and voices in worship.


The 306 miles?  Worth it to experience 13,000 people worship the Lord and offer up their hearts and lives as a tiny offering in exchange for the great gift He gave to us on the cross.


1 Comment

  1. I can hardly wait to hear the silence of thousands while Bart speaks his passion. We missed you last night, but switching granny filled in well for you!Bart shared that HN & JC higher ups are reconsidering there denial of the live stream! They were impressed with the numbers and the eagerness of people like us! Don’t know the time frame. Jeremy even popped in for a sec. You are going to be so excited to share tonight. I can hardly wait! And I can hardly wait to go myself. Be safe. 🙂

    Comment by Shellie (baylormum) — March 21, 2009 @ 8:29 am

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